Family Camp Booking Forms
Welcome to the Family Camp booking page. This page gives you the choice of type of booking for the Family Camp.
There are three choices:
- Family Booking - this booking form is for families to book their paid for booking for the camp, either for camping or for day visiting. You should note that pre-booking the Family Camp gives you a £2.50 per head discount over the normal gate price of £15.00. Please click on the button below to make your booking.
- Group Booking - this is only for use by groups booking en masse, as a group, not as individuals. For example the District Explorers or the Network members. Please click on the Group Booking button to make your booking.
- Volunteers - this booking form is for the EXCLUSIVE use of District volunteers helping with site setup, running and district run activities. This booking form is here to help us understand total numbers are the site for catering and refreshment purposes.