Farnham District Scout Council – Vacancies

Manda Bragg has been our District Chair for 11 years and Steve Bragg has been Treasurer for 8 years, both have been amazing in the work and commitment they have given over their time.

With much consideration both have decided to resign from their positions on the District Executive Committee, with effect no later than July 2021.

The District (FDSC) is a registered charity and as such the two roles are not only essential to the successful running of the District, but are required Trustees under charity regulation.

In summary the District provides support to the Scout Groups and District Units, ensuring training is promoted and accessible, organising Family Camp, supporting sectional camps and providing financial support/consolidation to District events.  The District is responsible for the management of Garners Field Campsite.

Attached are summary role descriptions that Manda and Steve have pulled together to give an idea of the responsibilities of  each role within Farnham District, these compliment the official Scout Association roles that can be viewed via this link: https://members.scouts.org.uk/supportresources/4077

FDSC – Chair of Farnham District Executive Committee

FDSC – Treasurer of Farnham District Executive Committee

If you are interested in either role and would like more information please do contact Manda, Steve or myself – it would be great to get someone lined up ASAP to ensure a good shadowing/handover period.


Ann-Marie Vinnicombe – District Commissioner – DC@farnhamscouting.com

Manda Bragg <chair@farnhamscouting.com>,

Steve Bragg <treasurer@farnhamscouting.com>

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