Farnham District Trustee Board 
The purpose of this Policy Document is to define within the Scouting Association’s ‘Policy Organisation and Rules’ the requirements for Farnham District Scouting to organise and operate with respect to those scouting activities for which it is responsible.
1. Organisation
1.1 The Farnham District Trustee Board shall comprise a Chairperson (Chair), Treasurer and Ex-officio being the Lead Volunteer (District Commissioner) plus such Co-opted members as are required and numerically allowable within Scouting Policy Organisation and Rules (POR).
1.2 The District Trustee Board shall meet at least quarterly and on such additional occasions as agreed by the Trustee Board. All meetings shall be minuted.
1.3 The District Trustee Board shall support Scouting in Farnham District through working with the Lead Volunteer (District Commissioner) and by acting as Charity Trustee to make decisions and take actions in the best interests of Farnham District Scouting.
1.4 The District Trustee Board shall seek to ensure that scouting in Farnham is in accordance with the latest rules and guidelines published by the Scout Association in POR.
2. Finance
2.1. Day to day running costs
2.1.1. The day to day running costs for Farnham District are to be covered by the annual District membership fees paid by members.
2.1.2. The District Trustee Board will set the fees in December each year for the following year.
2.1.3. The District Treasurer should hold reserves in the bank sufficient to cover general expenditure to run the District’s administration and normal District activities for at least one year.
2.1.4. Surplus funds generated from the Scout Shop, Campsite, District activities or fund raising are to be added to the general funds for the District Trustee Board to use for the benefit of the District membership (see also 3.1.3).
2.2. General Expenditure
2.2.1. District Team members incurring small incidental expenses including mileage on behalf of the District may claim retrospectively for those expenses (the appropriate claim form being obtainable from the District Treasurer or downloaded from the District Website). Any expenditure claimed will require the countersignature of the appropriate scouting line manager. Mileage will be reimbursed at the prevailing rate set by HMRC.
2.2.2. The Lead Volunteer (District Commissioner) is to countersign any expense claims submitted by the District Trustee Board Chair and the District Trustee Board Chair is to countersign any expense claims submitted by the Lead Volunteer (District Commissioner).
2.2.3. Larger items of expenditure will require prior approval by the District Trustee Board. The District Treasurer should report details of all incidental expenditure claimed at each District Trustee Board meeting.
2.3. Bank Accounts
2.3.1. The District Treasurer must be a signatory on all District bank accounts including those of the Network, Explorer and Scout Shop accounts.
2.3.2. All bank accounts shall require a minimum of two signatures to carry out transactions.
2.3.3. Where bank account transactions are carried out electronically on line, any arrangements used shall incorporate means for a second pre-approved person to authorise such actions.
2.4. Gift Aid
The Gift Aid scheme should be used and promoted both at District and Group level. Expenses incurred by District officials, including District Trustee Board members should be routinely claimed using the Gift Aid scheme to donate back.
2.5. Training
2.5.1. The District will reimburse the cost of mandatory modular training for adults holding appointments in Farnham District after proof of attendance.
2.5.2. A discretionary contribution toward other relevant training courses of up to 50% may be available on prior application to the District Trustee Board through the District Training Manager and Lead Volunteer (District Commissioner).
Where such a discretionary contribution is awarded, recipients should undertake to share their newly acquired skills not only within their own Group but also with District. Discretionary contributions shall be paid after proof of course attendance.
2.6. Uniform
2.6.1. The District will finance the provision of basic uniform items (i.e. shirt/blouse, trousers/skirt, belt and tie) for Leaders newly appointed into District roles.
2.6.2. The District Trustee Board may make discretionary awards for uniform against any application made through the Lead Volunteer (District Commissioner).
2.7. Insurance
2.7.1 The District shall take out and maintain in place all necessary insurances with respect to District owned or managed Facilities, Goods, Equipment and Events including Third Party and Public Liability where appropriate.
2.7.2 Where a privately-owned vehicle is used for District or Group purposes the Driver(s) shall verify that the vehicle is fully insured for the intended Scouting use.
2.7.3 Where a vehicle is hired for District or Group use it is to be insured ‘Fully Comprehensive’. The Hirer(s) shall verify if any ‘Excess Waiver Insurance’ is available and where such is offered, accept it to minimise potential financial exposure to District in the event of a claim arising.
3. Activities
3.1. District Events
3.1.1. All District events are to be planned and budgeted sufficiently far in advance to be self-funding and to ensure provision of an adequate cash flow.
3.1.2. Budgets for major events are to be presented to the District Trustee Board through the Lead Volunteer (District Commissioner) or by presentation to the District Trustee Board in good time before funds are committed. On completion of any major event a financial summary shall be presented back to the District Trustee Board to show how the budget performed.
3.1.3. Surplus funds from District events shall be added to District funds and generally not ring fenced (i.e. reserved for a specific future activity) unless pre-approved by the District Trustee Board. Where funds are ring fenced the District Treasurer shall be kept aware of any amounts involved and their location.
3.2. District Equipment
3.2.1. The District Trustee Board will hold an inventory of all District owned equipment including Shop stock and equipment held by Network and Explorers. The inventory is to be updated in line with the Risk Register.
3.2.2. District activity advisors and as appropriate Network and Explorer leaders, members of the Campsite Committee and the Scout Shop Manager are responsible for the care and maintenance of District equipment held.
3.2.3. Those responsible may charge users whatever fee or deposit they deem appropriate to ensure that all equipment is maintained and returned in a sound and serviceable condition.
3.3. Jamboree
3.3.1. The District Trustee Board shall determine the number of places to allow suitable candidates to represent Farnham at each official World Jamboree.
3.3.2. The Lead Volunteer (District Commissioner) will nominate an individual to act as a “Jamboree Coordinator” whose role will be to manage both the selection process and then have ongoing liaison with candidates and parents to ensure funding deadlines are advised and achieved.
3.3.3. The “Jamboree Coordinator” will arrange for a suitable selection procedure to be set in motion before committing to the places offered by County.
3.3.4. As agreed by the District Trustee Board the District will contribute up to one third of the cost of each stage payment for each candidate with the balance to be raised by the Candidate/Group/Unit.
3.4. Garner’s Field Campsite
3.4.1. The site is generally to be used as a facility for Scouting and other youth organisations. The District Trustee Board will encourage the facilities to be utilised to their maximum potential to benefit the young people. Where alternate use of the Campsite is proposed each shall be considered on a case by case basis taking into account its scouting and youth association merits.
3.4.2. There will be no fee for District meetings or events where no charge is made to participants. Other District events should be budgeted for and an agreed camp fee included in the charging.
3.4.3. Members of Farnham scouting will normally be charged a lesser fee than scouting members from outside the District or from non-scouting youth organisations.
3.4.4. General Campsite policy will be formulated by the Campsite Committee and ratified by the District Trustee Board.
4. Scout Shop
All operational decisions are the responsibility of the Shop Manager and Shop Team but policy decisions must be referred to the District Trustee Board for approval.
5. Health & Safety
5.1. Health & Safety Policy
5.1.1. Farnham District adheres to the Health and Safety requirements detailed in POR. The requirement is that all District events and activities involving young people must complete a written Risk Assessment.
5.1.2 A ‘Safety Officer’ is to be appointed for all District events.
5.1.3 A Risk Register shall be maintained and reviewed at each Farnham District Trustee Board meeting.
5.2. Minibus Driving
5.2.1. Any driver transporting members of the Scout Association by minibus (a vehicle with between 9 and 16 passenger seats) must hold a current MiDAS certificate.
5.2.2. Holders of other recognised qualifications for passenger vehicles may be exempt but must have written authorisation from the Lead Volunteer (District Commissioner) prior to taking Members on the public highway.
5.2.3. If, due to exceptional circumstances, a driver is unable to obtain or renew their MiDAS certificate they may apply to the Lead Volunteer (District Commissioner) for a temporary written authorisation so that a specific planned activity may take place. The written authorisation must be in place prior to taking Members on the public highway.
5.3. Smoking/E-Smoking
5.3.1. Smoking or E-Smoking (Vaping) is not allowed in the presence of young people or in any building or structure being used for scouting.
5.3.2. Adults who smoke must do so responsibly and out of sight and away from young people.
5.4. Alcohol
5.4.1. Farnham District adheres to the rules as detailed in the green card and under safeguarding rules.
5.4.2. No young persons under the age of 18 years involved in Scouting activities or carrying out activities on Scouting premises shall consume alcohol.
5.4.3. Adults must not consume alcohol when they are directly responsible for young people involved in a scouting activity.
5.4.4. At least two responsible adults must refrain from taking alcohol at any scouting event, camp or overnight experience.
5.5. Data protection
5.5.1. All personal data held or managed by Farnham District Scouting and the District Trustee Board shall be safeguarded, stored and used in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation May 2018.
6. Review
6.1.1. This policy document shall be reviewed annually by the Farnham District Trustee Board. The results of the review should be noted in the minutes and this document updated as necessary and re-issued.
6.1.2. The Chair of the District Trustee Board is to sign the policy document and a copy then retained by the District Secretary.
6.1.3. Copies of the policy document are to be made available to the membership of the District Trustee Board and a copy posted on the District website
Date …22nd March 2024
Deborah Deare, Chair, Farnham District Executive
There is a downloadable version of this document HERE