Privacy and GDPR Policy

Data Protection and GDPR

This notice is issued in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR).  

These Regulations govern how Personal Information (PI) can be handled and how it must be protected by Data Controllers.  Because of the information held on its members, Farnham District Scout Council (FDSC) is classed under these Regulations as a Data Controller and therefore must comply with the Regulations.  For general information about these Regulations and how they apply in Scouting see further guidance on GDPR here.

The Data Protection Act 1998 governs the collection, recording, storage, use and disclosure of personal data whether such data is held electronically or in manual form.  Young people have the same rights as adults under the Act.  

Why are we processing your data?

So that we can safely deliver Scouting within Farnham District each Section i.e. Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Network and the FDSC Executive Committee may need to hold personal information about it’s members (including their parents or carers details) and details of adult volunteers (the Data Subjects).

Personal data will only be collected and used for the purpose of activities directly relating to Scouting and/or a person’s Membership or association with Scouting.

We will use this information to routinely contact you with for example newsletters and invitations to Scouting events that we are running or planning or to make contact in an emergency.

Where will the data be held?

We utilise a secure web server that has a fully qualified SSL encryption certificate and secure databases.  Data collection ‘online’ is stored on this server.

We store all of the Personal Data held by the FDSC on its members on this online platform and conduct all reviews and updating of information held including payments and bookings etc. through this system.  No paper records of this information are held, although on limited occasions records may be printed out for taking to events/camps/sleepovers where online access may not be possible.  These physical records are then destroyed after the event.               

Whilst there is no direct access for parents or adult members to this information the information held will be readily provided at the request of a parent or guardian in the case of a child or the member concerned in the case of an adult. This information can be obtained  by request to the FDSC Data Protection Officer (DPO) contact:  All parents/guardians/carers and adult members are required to ensure that information held by the District is up to date by notifying the DPO of any changes.  The FDSC sends out an annual reminder asking for such information to be reviewed.

FDSC processes or records payments for any online payments for events using the Stripe secure online payment system. Information about how this system processes your data can be found here.  This is a secure online payment system to allow parents to safely and easily make payment for their child, themselves or for an event.

Some Personal Information held on adult members of the District is handled through the Scout Association Online System ‘Compass’.  This has been developed and is managed by the Scout Association for the recording of adult details, training, permits, DBS Disclosures etc. Information about the use of Compass in the context of GDPR can be found here.

As far as possible all email correspondence to and from us, including any correspondence with third parties, parents and for Campsite hire, is undertaken through our FDSC email addressee’s.  These emails are stored on the same secure server as bookings mentioned above.  We also use OneDrive, which is an online cloud storage service, for storing District records (e.g programmes, consent forms, archive files, financial records) and photographs.  More information about the security measures employed by OneDrive can be found here.

Photographs, videos and audio recordings may be taken of our members taking part in Scouting activities and temporarily stored on personal smartphones or personal cameras held by District members.  These are then transferred to GoogleDrive and/or the FDSC Web site or our Facebook account.  Facebook security information can be found here.  Information held on the mentioned devices will then be deleted.

All text/phone call correspondence is conducted through personal mobile or landline telephones held by the various FDSC members.   

What data will we process?

The data we may process about our members may include but is not limited to: names, dates of birth, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, doctor’s details, health conditions including allergies, dietary requirements, payment information, gift aid registration, anonymised ethnicity information.

Photographs, videos and audio recordings may be taken of our members taking part in Scouting activities and these may be published on our Website and/or Facebook page.  

Occasionally we may submit Photographs or Videos to local newspapers, Surrey County, Farnham District and/or County newsletters, websites or put on display for the sole purpose of promoting Scouting. We will never provide the names of any young person when using any of the above media without the express permission of parents in writing.

Who will have access to this data?

Members of the FDSC Leadership Team and the Executive Team will have varying levels of access to this information according to their role and information needs.  Everyone who has access to this data holds a current Scouting Enhanced DBS certificate.

Farnham District is part of Surrey Scouts (the County).  Farnham District will periodically join in events that are run by other Groups/Districts or the County.  For these events essential data required to provide safe scouting may be shared with the organisers for the purpose of the event only.

As part of a larger Scouting Organisation, Farnham District shares certain records and information held from time to time with the Scout Association headquarters.  No information is passed outside the District to Third Parties.

Our Facebook Page is a public forum and as such only will contain names of individuals who give their permission or are part of the Executive committee of the FDSC.  If an individual’s name and/or details are inadvertently disclosed and you have a concern about this please contact the DPO on:

How long do we retain the data for?           

We will retain data for as long as the Data Subject remains a part of our District and on notification of departure for up to 12 months thereafter.  We will then delete all personal information.

If a member moves to another Scout District we will ask for permission before we share any data with the new District. 

Your Rights                       

Individuals can request a copy of their personal data by making a Subject Access Request (SAR) to us at

If you have any questions related to the Data we hold, or any questions about your rights please contact us using this email address:

FDSC May 2018