AGM 2019

Farnham District held their AGM on the 11th July at Garner’s Field in the evening. 

This was a special occasion as Philip German was stepping down as District Commissioner and Ann-Marie Vinnicombe became the new DC.  Guest were invited, Mayor of Waverley, Mary Foryszewski, Mayor of Farnham, Pat Evans, Councillor David Attfield, County Commissioner, Joe Rogerson and Rev. Jaqueline Drake-Smith. 

During the AGM procedure, Philip made his annual report, in which he reflected on the nine years he had been DC.  

Philip expressed his pride with what has been achieved from building projects, great District Team & leaders, providing good training programmes, increased by 43% the number of young people who have joined Scouting and the re-opening of 12th Farnham Scout Group. Marching with nearly 200 people behind him through Town on many Remembrance Sundays and so much more. 

Philip also thanked Davide Attfield who was Mayor last year and chose Farnham Scouts as his Charity raising £6,000 towards “Garners go Bananas” project. 

Ann-Marie Vinnicombe was invested as the new DC by Joe Rogerson and made her Scout Oath to Joe, along with Scout members attending the meeting. 

Philip then gave the DC Commendation to Ken Powell, Eric Goulding and Adam Chambers of the 12th Wrecclesham Scout Group.  Matt Larkin, district secretary, also received his 10 year long service award.

Joe Rogerson made a lovely speech extolling all that Philip had done for the district for which the District and Philip should be enormously proud.  This was followed by a standing ovation to Philip. 

Lastly a presentation was made by the District Chair, Manda Bragg, who presented Philip with a plaque in acknowledgment of his time as DC along with a present, a Seiko watch with the Scout logo on its face.

Also a card beautifully created and made by Marion Stagg, District Beaver Scout Leader, in which all the Scout Groups, Leaders, District Team and more signed was given to Philip.  Manda also presented Linda German with a bouquet of flowers thanking her for sharing Philip with us and supporting him for those nine years and for all she has done. 

Philips Plaque
What a Watch!
The Dignatories!
Marion with DCs card

Some of the Explorers who are going to the Jamboree in Japan then gave a presentation and explained more about what they will be doing and how they are looking forward to the trip.

The meeting was followed by refreshments and a finger buffet provided by Janet Watts and Bob & Joyce Peerman from the SASU.  Janet also made a lovely fruit cake, on one half of the iced cake was the words “Thank you Philip” the other half “Welcome Ann-Marie”. 

It was a great evening and it was wonderful to see so many people come to “thank” Philip and to officially welcome Ann-Marie as our new DC. 

The DCs with cake
The cake
Ken receives his award
Ken and Jenny Powell
Adam receives his award
Eric receives his award
The lucky Jamboree Explorers
Old and new DCs with CC
Posted in Events, Featured, Newsletters.