Family Camp 2025 – Friday 25th – Sunday 27th April 2025

Farnham District Scouts Family Camp 2025 

Venue: Garners Field, Tilford

Dates: Friday 25th April to Sunday 27th April 2025.

***A weekend of camping, activities, fun and Scouting***

Please check out previous years’ pictures –

2023 Family Camp Pictures – Farnham Scouting

Family Camp 2022 Pictures – Farnham Scouting

A brief overview for new families:

  • camp with your family (you will need to provide your own camping equipment speak to your Group who may be able to loan some items if needed)
  • cost of camp includes all day and evening activities for all members of your family.  There is restriction on shooting to over 8’s and limited numbers on kayaking due to ensuring safety 1:1 for younger participants.
  • you will need to provide your own food but there is a café on site to purchase some cooked food.   Some Groups do catering please check with your Group.
  • plenty of opportunities to socialise with parents, leaders and exec members
  • all over 18’s must have a valid Scouting DBS if camping overnight. Please speak to your Group volunteers asap if any member of your party needs one.

Attached is the 2024 Family Camp Leaflet for reference (subject to change)

Tents can be pitched from 6:30pm on Wednesday 23rd April subject to a site volunteer being on site, Caravans must be on site before Friday.  If you need special arrangements please contact me.

Volunteers are needed to support the Family Camp; it can not happen without it and we ask if everyone can support at least an hour of time before, during or after the weekend.

Training Opportunity : the Aerial Runway takes many hours to construct in the week before the camp and run during the weekend; if you would be interested in learning how the runway is ‘pioneered’ let me know as the more who know how to contract and run the better.


Please follow the link for more information and to book :

Book before 30th March 2024 – £12.50 per person for the Weekend

Book after 30th March 2024 – £15.00 per person for the Weekend

Come during the day or stay overnight.

Speak to your Group volunteers for more information or do not hesitate to contact me.

Hope to see you there.

If you have not logged onto the Scouts new systems please do try by using your email and click on Forgot Password. : Scout Login


Farnham District Scout Council
Ann-Marie Vinnicombe
District Lead Volunteer
Farnham District Scout Council
T: +44 (0)7410381071 | E: | W:

District Beaver Scout Fun Day – 28th September 2024

Brilliant Fun Day for 100 Beaver Scouts.

Well done to all the volunteers that help co-ordinate all the activities and give all the Beavers a fun day.

Special thank you to Clair Waterman, ADC Beavers for organising the day.

District Cub Scout Camp – 11th-13th October 2024

Fantastic Cub Camp, Olympic Theme Activities

Well done to 12th Farnham (Wrecclesham) for being the overall winner and to the following Cubs for being their Packs Best Cub: 2nd – Jude; 3rd – Momo;  4th – Sacha; 5th Albury; 7th – Laura; 11th – Toby; 12th – Raffi

Thank you for all the volunteers for getting the site ready, catering and organising the weekend, as well as those who ran the District and Group activities throughout the weekend.

Special thank you to Nicky Clements, ADC Cubs for leading the weekend.


Policy, Procedures, Risk Assessments

District Policy District Policy agreed and signed 22 March 2024
Family Camp RA Family Camp Risk Assessments – Farnham Scouting



Campsite RA Garners Field General Risk Assessment – Review Oct-23
Campsite rules Campsite-Rules-March-2023
River Procedure Garners Field River Operation Procedure 07-2024
River RA Canoe-Kayak-Raft Garners RA 07-2024
Climbing Operating Procedure Climbing abseiling Tower Operating Procedures (District Led Climbing only) V1.8 (Final) Climbing abseiling Tower Operating Procedures (External Instructor Led Climbing only) V0.1 (Final)
Climbing RA Garners-Field-Climbing-Tower-at-Garners-Field-v2.doc-March-2023
Archery Procedure
Archery RA Garners Field – Come and Try It Archery Session
Tomahawks Procedure
Tomahawks RA Tomahawk-Throwing
Shooting Procedure
Shooting Rules Garners Field shooting rules September 2023
Supervised Assault Course

Farnham District Family Camp 2022

Farnham District Scouts

In my humble opinion Family Camp 2022 was a real success, the atmosphere and the smiling faces the main give away.

If anyone has photos that I can publicly used I would really appreciate being sent them –

Thank you to everyone who has helped ensure that this Family Camp happened from set-up to completion to taking part, and to those who will be still working to break camp this week. There are many hands involved, many volunteers, without which we could not stage this fantastic event.

I like to thank the Mayor of Farnham Councilor Alan Earwaker for his words at our St George’s Service and also Surrey Scouts, Paul Iverson, ACC Scout

I would like to particularly thank;

Site and Booking Team; Gary, Davis, Oli, Eric, Philip, Nicky, Josh, Linda, Danielle, Janet, Michael, Scotty, Steve, Austin. Matt and others who help with set up throughout the week before.

Amenities; Pat – who keeps our facilities clean and tidy.

Café – Gill, Brian, Sarah, Anna

District Activities – Crafts – Chris, Janet, Climbing – Bill, Tom, Hamish and team, Archery – Judith, Stephen and team

Groups/Network – we are very lucky to have had such a variety of activities put on by each Group/Network all of which take planning, time and work to assemble and operation.

Explorers – firstly to the leaders who enable the Explorers to camp as a family and the Explorers that attended and volunteered not only on the inflatables but where they were needed including kayaking, café, archery and runway.

Garners Field Monday Crew – without whom we would not have such a beautiful site.


A special thank you to the organisations below who gave their time and expertise for free;

Blackwater Valley Canoe Club – ;
Mark, Tegan & Leon Taiko Drumming – ;
Jaz, Reptasia –


Thank you to Herons Wey Campsite for allowing us to park, especially Hazel, Site Manager who helped with traffic control.

For anyone interested I have listed below all the outside companies we use.

Please do let us know if we can do anything to improve next years’ Family Camp – I hope you to see you all in there – save the weekend Friday 20th to 23rd April 2023

Thank you



Silent Disco –
Inflatables –
Cave –
Mr Giant –

Toilets –
Water Bowser –


Ann-Marie Vinnicombe
District Commissioner
Farnham District Scout Council

T: +44 (0)7410381071 | E: | W:

Family Camp 2022 Pictures


Garners Field Farnham Scouts

Garners Field – Archery, All Weather Shelter and Climbing Wall.

A lot of work has happened on the Archery Range, the All-Purpose Shelter and Climbing Wall at Garners Field.


Thank you to Kristal Derrick (Hampshire Scouts Assessor) for helping to finalise the design, Ray Deare (Monday Crew) for creating the range design including organising materials and putting it together with the help of the Monday Crew – oh and getting a grant to help pay for this and the shelter improvements, Gary Thain (Warden) for organising the bows, arrows and targets.

The range is a Come and Try It range and governed by the Archery GB rules in regard to set up/equipment.  The range can be booked via the Campsite booking form; 1.5 hour session is £25 including borrowing equipment (£10 with your own equipment.)

Check if available:

You must has a Scout Permit holder to run the session; if your Group does not have one please contact me and I can e-mail District Permit holder to see if they are available.

Please see current permit holders including from our recent course held at Garners Field. –

All Purpose Shelter

The shelter is used for shooting activities; as such it has now been refitted to ensure this is safer and there is less damage to the structure.

Thank you to Hamish and Kim White for co-ordinating the requirements and doing the work on the refit.


The shelter must be booked via the Campsite Booking form and costs £10 per 1.5hr session; there is no District fire arms however Tongham Hogshots and 5th Farnham (Bourne) do have fire arms and we have a number of NRSA qualified leaders across the District – please ask.

Climbing Wall

Our climbing wall has been inspected and is now in line with the relevant standards.

Thank you to Neil Peerman (DNSC/GSL/Exec), Bill Weller (GSL/Exec), Philip German (Warden) and Gary Thain (Warden) for their hard making repairs, pulling together the necessary paperwork and co-ordinating work done to get the wall pass the inspection.

The wall will re-open in the new year once all equipment has been review and renewed as appropriate and safe.

The wall must be booked via the Campsite booking form.



Garners Field Campsite Booking:


Cub Scout and Beaver Scout Fun Day Thank you

So, on Saturday 2nd October 2021 160 Cub Scouts descended on Garners Field followed by 85 Beaver Scouts on Sunday 3rd October 2021 all in the name of FUN.

Mission Successful – even with the most horrible weather, the Cubs love it, pillow fighting in the rain is a sight to see.  Both days we had happy, happy children. (some a bit wet…0

Behind every fun day there is a team of dedicated but now exhausted volunteers who have been planning, building, co-operating and running activities, setting up, maintaining and clearing up.

Nicky Clements, ADC Cub Scouts planned the Cubs day with help from Amanda Morgan, District Cub Leader  and ran the day with her site team, Davis Clements, Ollie Morgan and Gary Thain providing the template for the Beaver Day. Thank you without your help the weekend would not have happened.

Thank you Gill Snedden who not only catered for volunteers on Saturday, with leftovers for Sunday but also an evening ‘BBQ’ for the Cubs,

Every Pack and every Colony provided an activity run by leaders and any volunteers they could muster – again planning and work before the event as well as setup and clear way.   I know the 12th(Wrecclesham) were building the runway throughout the weekday evenings to get it ready in time.

Across the weekend we also had;

Tongham Hotshots running shooting

A raft of permit holders running Rafting

District Archery permit holders running Archery

The newly trained Tomahawk team teaching 6 to 10.5 year old to throw metal ‘angels’ and axes.

SASU members also supported bases, oversaw the assault course and generally filled in some gaps.

(Every activity has a Risk Assessment)

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you

Yours in Scouting


Garners Field Farnham Scouts

Garners Field – Update

8th August 2020

Garners Field is partially open within the AMBER approved risk assessment attached. Campsite Red to Amber Covid Risk Assessement REV 2

Our Campsite Manager, Ken Powell and his team of volunteers run and maintain the Campsite and they have done a fantastic job during lockdown keeping the Campsite at a high standard of maintenance to ensure safe fun.


The decision has been made that effectively it is only the field, activity trail and shooting range that can be opened for use at this time and risk level.


Anyone using the site must have their own approved COVID-19 Risk Assessment as well as usual activity RA and this must be attached to the booking form – no one is allowed on site without an approved booking for any reason.


This means that the hall, climbing tower and archery wall are not open under this level.


Hopefully you will have seen that the climbing tower roof has been replaced and there is further upgrades in the pipeline  –

We are also revamping the archery wall, currently it has been dismantled ahead of rebuild –


If you have any queries please contact the Campsite Manager:


Ann-Marie Vinnicombe – Farnham District Commissioner